Blossoming under grey skies

violet flower.jpg

A ravishing violet flower began to bloom and extend its petals to the sky,

Oblivious to its own beauty,

These violet petals would blossom and spread its illumination even under dismal skies of grey,

Bypassing nature laws and proving it wrong,

It learned to smoothly enter the earth and breath in its fresh air,

The relentless determination to reach past grey skies

and say a friendly hello to the sun that was absent for it’s growth,

But it soon would make a return,

Growing the rest of the surrounding petals so this lone violet flower can no longer be alone,

It came to be, even if mother nature didn’t intend for its arrival,

You see the violet flower never quite understood natures protocol,

Unique among the rest, it did the impossible by blooming under grey skies


  • It’s been 4 days since my last post, having to edit an essay for a friend and coming up with plot ideas for a short story I started in 2016. This took up most of my time in the last few days. Having said that, I’m back with a poem and thought of an positive theme to uplift your Friday, it’s the end of the week and for some the start of their weekend, so enjoy it. Peace

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